Book Review 2013

Echoes from Freire for a Critically Engaged Pedagogy

By Peter Mayo (2012)


Echoes from Freire for a Critically Engaged Pedagogy by Peter Mayocommemorates the fortieth anniversary of the publication of the classical text Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire. Pedagogy of the Oppressed is a classic in the fields of education, political mobilization, and community development that influenced practitioners of critical pedagogy to develop a more holistic view.

Mayo sought to revisit a number of pieces he has written over the years that strongly echoes Freire. Therefore, the chapters of Echoes from Freire for a Critically Engaged Pedagogyoutline some of the basic concepts in Freire’s philosophy and pedagogical approaches. Mayo discusses Freire’s ideas concerning the role of critical intellectuals and public life. Key issues regarding education and social activism are also debated through a Freirean perspective. Mayo then directs his writing to a Freirean perspective on research, specifically transformative research and program planning (with a focus on adult education).

Lastly, the two final sections include Mayo’s focus on “personages” by comparing others’ formulations and ideas to Freire’s concepts. Mayo concludes the book by highlighting the title and exposing the ideas of three people who draw inspiration from Freire: Antonia Darder, Henry Giroux, and the late Paula Allman.

Book Review by Breanna Steinberg, Graduate Assistant to Dr. Aziza Braithwaite Bey – Blog Coordinator


Published in: on March 5, 2013 at 4:32 pm  Leave a Comment  

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